When referencing technical terms, try and always use its canonical spelling and casing.
For example, "GraphQL" should always be written as such - instead of "graphql", "graphQL" or "Graphql" etc.
If you're not sure about the spelling of a certain noun, the official homepage of it typically contains the proper spelling for you to look up.
- A reader might already be familiar with the term - to see it spelled differently may look jarring and distract from your content.
- Consistent spelling and casing is important so the reader can scan through and recognize the term more easily
- Node.js (instead of Node or Node.JS)
- JavaScript and TypeScript (instead of Javascript and Typescript or JS and TS)
- PostgreSQL (instead of Postgres or Postgresql)
- MongoDB (instead of Mongo)
- GitHub (instead of Github)
(inspired by https://www.prisma.io/docs/more/style-guide/#capitalize-and-spell-out-proper-nouns)